WheatTrials Database

The WheatTrials Database provides complete access to winter wheat variety information and yield trial data from public and private programs in the US Great Plains states of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Montana.

Public yield trial data are generated by Land Grant University variety testing programs in each state and private company yield trial data (Limagrain Cereal Seeds, Syngenta-Agripro) are from data reported in the Wheat Varieties for Kansas and the Great Plains book.
Combine in field

The crew in field The database may be used to:
  • find up-to-date wheat variety information
  • display data from individual trial locations
  • generate summaries across multiple trial locations and years
  • generate head-to-head comparisons for varieties of interest
Click any of the tabs above to get started!

2024 Trial Data Updates
OK State Univ - done (6/26/2024)
Texas Agrilife - done (7/22/2024)
CO State Univ - done (7/24/2024)
Univ Nebraska - done (8/1/24)
KS State Univ - done (8/7/24)
Syngenta (Agripro) - done (8/3/24)
Limagrain - done (8/3/24)
SD State Univ - done (8/30/24)
MT State Univ - preliminary (9/16/24)

Variety Characteristics Updates
Test weight, protein updated (8/20/2024)
Heading, height updated (8/19/2024)
Texas Agrilife incorporated (8/17/2024)
CO State Univ incorporated (8/17/2024)
KS State Univ incorporated (8/17/2024)
Univ Nebraska (2023) incorporated (8/17/2024)
Variety tech sheet links updated (6/2024)

Wheat sign