WheatTrials Database

Head-to-Head Comparisons

To display a head-to-head variety comparison, select the desired varieties from the pull downs, and use the check boxes to specify which datasets to use for the comparison.

Key to Datasets
CO - Colorado (CSU)
KS - Kansas (KSU)
LCS - Limagrain
MT - Montana (MSU)
NE - Nebraska (UNL)
OK - Oklahoma (OSU)
SD - South Dakota (SDSU)
SY - Syngenta
TX - Texas A&M (TAMU)
WY - Wyoming (UWYO)
First variety
Second variety

Specify Dataset
CO -- Northeast
CO -- Plainsman
CO -- Southeast
KS -- East Central
KS -- North Central
KS -- Northeast
KS -- Northwest
KS -- South Central
KS -- Southeast
KS -- Southwest
KS -- West Central
LCS -- Central
LCS -- HerbTol
LCS -- West
MT -- Central
MT -- East
MT -- West
NE -- East
NE -- Organic
NE -- Panhandle
NE -- South Central
NE -- Southeast
NE -- West Central
OK -- Central
OK -- North Central
OK -- Northeast
OK -- Northwest
OK -- Panhandle
OK -- Southwest
SD -- Central
SD -- East
SD -- West
SY -- Central Plains
SY -- Eastern Plains
SY -- Western Plains
TX -- Blacklands
TX -- High Plains
TX -- Rolling Plains
TX -- South Texas
WY -- Dryland
CO -- Irrigated
KS -- Irrigated
LCS -- Irrigated
NE -- Irrigated
OK -- Irrigated
SY -- Irrigated
TX -- Irrigated
WY -- Irrigated